Our Community Expression of Interest

This is a preview of the Our Community Expression of Interest form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Who are you?

* indicates a required field.

Thanks for taking the time to express your interest in working for Our Community. Our Community's enterprises include SmartyGrants, GiveNow, Funding Centre and the Institute of Community Directors Australia.

Please use this form to share some information about you, and if we would like to discuss job opportunities we'll be in touch.

If you have any questions please contact Linda O'Halloran (lindao@ourcommunity.com.au).

Your name * Required
What are your preferred pronouns? e.g. she/her, he/him, they/them (or what you prefer).
Attach a file: Select stored file
    Where did you hear about Our Community? * Required
    Response required.
    If you are filling in the EOI form at the request of someone at Our Community, please provide their name here. Otherwise, leave blank.
    If someone told you about Our Community please let us know who. Otherwise, leave blank.

    Working with us

    Are you eligible to work in Australia? * Required
    What level position are you looking for? * Required
    Response required.
    What type of role are you looking for?
    Are you looking for full time or part time work? * Required
    Response required.

    Part time / casual (Not Applicable)

    This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Are you looking for full time or part time work?" on page 1


    We are based in North Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, and generally expect our staff to work in a hybrid model of onsite and remote work.

    Are you available to work onsite in North Melbourne? * Required
    Response required.